
Saturday, 7 July 2012

Saturday Night is Spaghetti Night!

It's a bit of a tradition in our family that Saturday night is Spaghetti Bolognaise night.  So, being a Saturday night I have made my quick and easy Spaghetti Bolognaise.  I have made "Spag Bol" a hundred different ways over the years, from scratch, with different sauces, ingredients herbs and different pastas but the quickest way in which you can get Spaghetti Bolognaise on your table from the pantry in an easy 30 minutes is by the following:

Ingredients from top left clockwise: thin fettucine, Paul Newman's Own Tomato, Basil and Garlic, 500g mince beef, 1 chopped onion and 1 clove garlic finely chopped (excuse the horrible yellow benchtop and brown tiles)

Tonight, I started the pot of water boiling first.  While the water was heating up I chopped the onion and garlic up then put the pasta in the pot to cook.  Then, in an electric frypan, I browned the mince, drained the fat out of the pan then added the onion and garlic to brown.  All that has only taken me about 15 minutes to do. 

I then add the sauce to the mince, onion and garlic.  Stir it in and put the lid on the frypan for about 5-10 minutes or until you're sure the mince is cooked through.

Drain the pasta, turn off the frypan and serve it all up with pasta's best friend:

A nice Australian wine called Fifth Leg.  This was a Cabernet Sauvignon Shiraz Merlot ( a bit of everything if you're not sure what you feel like!)

This bottle will probably last me about three weeks as I'm not really a drinker but I do enjoy a good red wine with my Italian dishes.

I hope you're enjoying your weekend!

E x

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