
Sunday, 22 July 2012

Challenge Update: Day 21 & 1

Well... What a week! If you're confused by my subject line, all will be explained further below.

I first accepted the 50 Day No Sugar Challenge (see original post at so that I could achieve something that wasn't going to be easy but also to get rid of sugar from my daily routine and to break that 3pm (or sometimes 10am, 12pm, 3pm and 7pm) cycle. I honestly was not prepared for how hard it was and I've learned a thing or two about myself along the way.

But first I did come up with some rules to excuse a little snacking:

1. It doesn't contain sugar if it's consumed in another state (as I've been out of state recently, this made perfect sense)
2. If its broken (like a crumbly biscuit or half a chocolate bar) then it contains no sugar
3. If someone gave you half of something and says they'll be offended if you don't eat it then it contains no sugar
4. If you buy something as a gift and they offer you some it contains no sugar
5. If its been dropped in its packet then it contains no sugar
6. If its consumed in the air then it contains no sugar (this also worked for rule no. 1 as I flew across two states to get home)

As you can see my confessions this week are not worth mentioning since I went to such lengths to excuse them. What ended it all for me and gained me 1kg is in the picture below.

I have failed the challenge...

But there's nothing stopping me from trying again so now today is also the first day of the 50 Day No Sugar Challenge for me. I will be more focussed as the only person I'm hurting is myself and I'm determined to do something good for myself for a change.

Wish me luck!

E x

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